Our Services

Learn via Online Courses, Private Lessons, Workshops…

or even become an apprentice.

What We Offer:

Online Courses

Self-paced and optimized for distance learning - the online courses are designed to give you as much know-how as is possible using an online format. There are some limitations, yet it is perfect for those who want a selection of the skills we offer and/or can devote less time in the day to the martial arts.

Private Lessons & Consultations

Dive deeper and get individualized coaching - private lessons and consultations are the way for serious martial artists. Often those utilizing the Online Courses will schedule privates to gain a stronger understanding and make technical adjustments. In order to allow for individualized guidance, privates are limited to 4 attendees max.


Some of these Folk Fighting Arts were taught in a Master & Apprentice style. That way all the details and nuances could be transmitted. Where most students were content to improve their skills, some wished to engage in the culture and pedagogy of the system itself - to become a teacher. Those interested in the Certification of Mastery to be an approved instructor should consider this path. It is not easy, it requires commitment, yet we will be here for you regularly to coach and guide you. Online courses and privates will be bundled to assist you with the cost, as this is a long-term commitment. Contact us for more information.


Schools, gyms and training clubs can contact us to organize workshops. We can offer one day and multi-day events where various skills from the traditional martial arts can be taught and practiced. Empty handed combat skills from the Chinese tradition, Manchu-Mongol wrestling technique, traditional weapons - all these can be worked on.

Apprentices and their training groups get priority. Workshops will necessarily cost more but the price is shared by all the attendees. It is a great way to get in-person coaching from us, practice with a wide variety of people, and to network in them.


In-Person Instruction

The martial arts are best taught in person. While I work hard to ensure online training content is top-notch and optimized for online learning, some aspects, especially kinesthetic, cannot be easily learned virtually. Whenever possible, I highly recommend learning from me directly alongside others doing the same. This would ensure the most complete training experience available.

I am currently based in Boston, MA in the United States of America, and I am a Shuai Jiao Coach at Redline Fight Sports at 21 Prospect St, Cambridge, MA 02139.

Please find me there or Contact Me.

Pedagogy and Training

The design of the Online Courses, Seasonal Master Gatherings, and private lessons considers the principles of pedagogy, the method and practice of teaching. We strive to provide premium learning systems that are engaging, nuanced, and effective. Teaching is not about making it easy for us, it is about making learning easy and enjoyable for you. Therefore we delve deeply into learning psychology and student character archetypes to better transmit the knowledge and experiences that make our fighting skills potent.

We also invest heavily in creating a microcosm of the warrior culture from which the Folk Fighting Art developed. We have found that “top down” conceptual and principle-based teaching as well as “bottom up” cultivation of martial culture and strong athletics allows learners to most efficiently absorb the fighting skills and warrior philosophies.

When it comes to training, we demand excellence of ourselves and our students. Training involves three primary elements:

  1. Acclimatizing the trainee to fighting, movement, athletics, and cultivating the warrior spirit.

  2. Partnered technical drilling to master the techniques of the Folk Fighting Art.

  3. Sparring games to allow the trainee to play and explore the tactical options available to them.

Every Course, Workshop, or Live Lesson has specific goals of improving one's capability and performance. By keeping things focused, but cycling through all three elements, we ensure you efficiently gain skills and have those skills pressure-tested and refined.